I've killed several plants but managed to keep my kid alive. But CPS doesn't investigate plant death. Google "easy care plants." I've had great success with pothos. Avoid succulents.

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I’ll check it out! Unless I get distracted by the premise “CPS for Plants,” that’s easily a four-minute sketch.

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Yes, pothos are great! Very pretty and very hearty. We have four.

ZZ plants are also genetically engineered to be indestructible.

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I repotted a small one I'd gotten at the supermarket and found it was actually something like six separate plants. I spread them out in their own pots and I swear I have one in every room that has a window.

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The organism in my home I love more than any other is my 7-foot fiddle-fig tree, which never makes noise and is always happy when I'm around.

The key to keeping most houseplants alive is to avoid overwatering. Plants need much less attention than you think, making them decidedly easier to keep alive than a child.

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Overwatering, that makes sense. Theme selection had to come bite me somehow.

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I wasn't even smart enough to see the connection.

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The universe never relents with the punchlines.

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Kids are easier than basil. Basil is a fickle SOB.

If you really want to succeed at plants, try mint. It will grow anywhere and everywhere forever until it literally strangles you in your sleep. You cannot kill it. It travels underground and resurfaces at will. It's also really good in iced tea and mojitos...obvi.

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I've been thinking my apartment could use an immortal curse. Added to the agenda.

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"history would have more friends..." and the "flexible"


you Are scary


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Much appreciated. The little boosts really do help me along.

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