My worst self-harming trait is the belief that I'm only as good as my contribution. If I'm not getting something done, I'm worthless. Everyone deserves downtime except for me, all that. I blame working retail. I never had this achievements fetish until I entered the world of "if you got time to lean, you got time to clean."

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It’s true: any manager that rhymes is your enemy. Hope today’s employment is less maddening.

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My deadly sin is gluttony, always. I love food. I take so much pleasure in eating. Not stuffing myself eating, but my idea of Heaven is a tasting menu with endless courses.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Dennard Dayle

Arzz'krghll (noun): Ancient Aztec deity of getting drunk and falling down a flight of stairs.

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I’d love to see the temples.

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Ironically, they'd be the only ziggurats with accessibility ramps.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Dennard Dayle

Arzz'krghll: Patron Saint of Hang Gliding Into Power Lines

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Praise be unto him.

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You know, Dennard, you have bootstraps just like everyone else. But you have to CHOOSE to pull on them.

I love the empathy riff. I often tell my wife and kids, "I don't do empathy," which I think has the inverse effect of imbuing me with radical empathy.

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If TedX hadn’t rushed into “The Emperor Has No Clothes” territory, we could sell “Humanist Overcompensation and You.”

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May 10, 2023Liked by Dennard Dayle

Food Fight was the answer to the question "How could this get worse?"

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The first nazi to appear (in uniform) in the grocery store marketing trap is a moment in film history.

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