Extra What?

Dennard Dayle’s slapstick newsletter. The wasteland’s best satire. A vassal state of See More Evil.

Who Are You?

A satirist. I wrote Everything Abridged and a bunch of stuff in The New Yorker/1-900-HOTDOG/Clarkesworld/The Baffler/etc. I’m also behind a third of the pranks in New York. I’m fond of this summary page.

Whatcha got?

For free? Weekly Extra Evil updates with news riffs, blogging, and updates about my work. Along with Exclusive Evil satire articles too hot for sane outlets.

For money? Expensive Evil nonfiction articles. Longform hilarity.

Aren’t you forgetting something?

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Subscribe to Extra Evil

The wasteland's best satire. Dennard Dayle's incriminating newsletter, featuring humor too hot for sane outlets. A vassal state of SeeMoreEvil.com and mandatory reading in 49 states.


"Local prankster," per NBC. Wrote “Everything Abridged,” a book you should try. Generates mirth on SeeMoreEvil.com and public property. Seen in New Yorker, 1900HOTDOG, Clarkesworld, police reports. Resembles suspect.