First time reader and pretty new to Substack. This is great stuff. I appreciate the writing style and I love your article on MYFAROG. As a middle aged white man who grew up on D&D, those descriptions were more than cringeworthy. Crazy that anyone would still accept that kind of gossamer veiled racism. That said, your review had me laughing out loud. Looking forward to more.

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I sympathize with the previous Scott Adams fandom. Back in high school I had to do a project where I was required to contact a "real-world expert." My project was about comics and the only person I could think of who might actually respond was Scott Adams, so I emailed him. And he responded! He was courteous, responded promptly and answered my questions. So imagine my dismay years later.

He was already putting out his weird books talking about how you can achieve anything you visualize hard enough by writing your intentions down fifty times a day or something, which I actually tried because it wasn't the first woo woo I'd been presented in my youth (my mom still has her Edgar Cayce books and was a subscriber of Prevention magazine). And I seriously thought his Dilbert Principle and etc were more tongue-in-cheek that they ended up being. Oops.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Dennard Dayle

i'd vote for the advice column where you have an expert answer it, and then you give your answer, too, and they're wildly disparate, therein containing a humour quotient. it sounds familiar, i might have stolen this, but it's a good idea regardless.

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Re: paid feature, I voted for Mock Advice Column because it has the potential to encompass the other two options. Meaning, you could prepare a Mock Ad as a response to a question, or you could Trojan Horse serious answers into your responses. I think it gives you the most option value, though all sound like good times.

Re: nuclear weapons, I think daily about how civilization could end any moment. It's insane. Here are two related links:

I've listened to this Hardcore History episode at least three times (it should also be available via your podcast app of choice):


I wrote this just over a year ago, which was the first ever in the talk with my kids series:


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I'm convinced cicadas are extra-terrestrial. Have you ever witnessed one spawning from the ground? Then fusing to a tree and metaphorizing into something that looks like a lizard-fly hybrid? Holy shit! Needless to say, I'm not shocked to hear about their ass piss catapults. Makes total sense to me.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Dennard Dayle

Remember: the way to a woman's heart is climate change.

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